Michaela Löffler-Leutgeb, BA BA MA

E: michaela.loeffler-Leutgeb@univie.ac.at

Entry in personnel directory: u:find

I. Scientific Focus Areas

Late Antiquity from Early Christian to Early Islamic period, settlement development in peripheral areas, Women’s and Gender Studies

II. Curriculum Vitae

Since 03.2023
Scientific project assistant (prae doc), FWF-project "Rethinking Periphery in Late Antiqe Arabia"Rethinking Periphery in Late Antique Arabia
, Project lead Univ. Prof. Basema Hamarneh

Since 2022
MA History, University of Vienna

2018 – 2022
MA Classical Archaeology, University of Vienna
Thesis: "Women in ecclesiastical spaces in Arabia and Palestine: A study of Late Antique mosaics from the 4th to the 8th century."

2021 and 2022
Excavation in al-Jumayil, Jordan

2020 – 2021
Excavation worker at Archaeo Perspectives, Austria

2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 and 2023
Student assistant at the Excavation of Deir el-Bachit, Egypt (ÖAW/ÖAI, DAI), Project lead Dr. Ina Eichner

2015 – 2016
Erasmus+ stay at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

2014 – 2018
BA Classical Archeology, University of Vienna

2010 – 2015
BA History, University of Vienna