Scholarships and Grant

Means-based study grants

Information on study grants can be obtained from the Study Grant Office Vienna, Gudrunstraße 179a, A - 1110 Vienna.
Tel. +431/60 173/0.

For further information see Studying at the University of Vienna and the Social Department of the ÖH, or the website of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research Brief overview of study grants, scholarships.

Univie scholarships

Information on how to apply and the application form can be found under the following link.

KWA - Short-term academic scholarships abroad

If scientific work abroad is required as part of your diploma or master's thesis or dissertation (laboratory work, field research, work in archives, libraries, scientific collections, etc.), you can apply for a KWA scholarship. You can find more information about the scholarship on the homepage of the International Office.

Non-EU Student Exchange Programme

Students of the University of Vienna can spend one or two semesters at partner universities in North and Latin America, Australia, Asia, Africa, Russia or Ukraine as part of the Non-EU Student Exchange Programme. Further information on the scholarship can be found on the homepage of the International Office.

Scholarships for the promotion of young researchers

Federal Ministry of Science and Research

Research scholarships in the field of archaeology and ancient studies Information from the above-mentioned Ministry, Dept. VII/A/1, Tel. 01/53120/5730 or 5733. Further information at

Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research (FWF)

House of Research, Sensengasse 1, A-1090 Vienna
T +43-1-505 67 40 -

Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW)

Address: Dr.Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, A-1010 Vienna
T +43-1/51 5 81-207

Further information can be found at