Musics at war: towards a Classical (?) prehistory of the lute

Stefan Hagel (ÖAW)

Donnerstag, dem 14. Oktober 2021, um 17 Uhr s. t. (CEST) im Elise Richter Saal, Unihauptgebäude, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

Stefan Hagel (ÖAW)
am Donnerstag, dem 14. Oktober 2021, um 17 Uhr s. t. (CEST)
im Elise Richter Saal, Unihauptgebäude, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien

Musics at war: towards a Classical (?) prehistory of the lute

Starting from the early Middle Ages and the Near East, the `short-necked´ lute replaced the lyre as the dominant instrument of elite culture and, in the case of the Arabic writings, also music theory. We will follow its traces across a vast region reaching from the Pacific to the Atlantic, focusing on the rival music traditions it could express and how these related to the archaeology and the tenets of Greco-Roman music

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