Univ.-Prof. Basema HAMARNEH, PhD

T +43-1-4277-40611
F +43-1-4277-840611


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Curriculum Vitae


  • 1989   Master in Byzantine History - Moscow State University 'Lomonosov'. Dissertation: "Byzantium and the East: Economic and Cultural Relations in the Black Sea Region According to Medieval Islamic sources 10th–14th centuries".  
  • 1995   PhD in Archaeology and Postclassical Antiquity (3rd-9th century) - University of Rome "La Sapienza". Dissertation: "Animals in pavement mosaics of the churches of Jordan between 5th-8th centuries".
  • 1991/92–1993/94   Specialization in Christian Archaeology - Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana – Rome
  • 1991/92–1993/94   fellow of the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana – Rome
  • 2000   PhD in Christian Archaeology - Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana - Rome. Dissertation: "Christian Topography and Rural Settlements in Jordan during the Byzantine and Islamic periods 5th –9th centuries”.  


Actual position:

  • Since July 2017   Full Professor of Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology – University of Vienna.

Previous positions:

  • 1998–2005; 2009–2011   Professor of Early Christian and Byzantine Archaeology - Centre of Middle Eastern Studies – Milano – Italy
  • 2005–2009   Professor of Christian and Medieval Archaeology - Department of Mediterranean Archaeology – Enna University - Italy.
  • 2012/2013–2013/2014   Professor (adjunct professor), Roman History and Byzantine Civilization – Bergamo University - Italy
  • 2010/2011–June 2017   Professor of Arabic Language - University of Milan.
  • 2012 – National Habilitation and award of Associated Professor in Archaeology 10/A1- Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research
  • Since 2011   Member Correspondent of AIEMA - Association internationale pour l’Etude de la Mosaïque antique (area of Jordan)
  • Since 2012   Member of the Associazione Italiana Studi Bizantini –AISB
  • Since January 2018   Member of the Association of Austrian Byzantinists - Österreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft (ÖBG)


  • Urban and Rural settlements in the Late Antique and Early Christian periods;
  • Christianisation of Roman Castra;
  • Archaeology, visual and material culture of the Late antique, Early Christian/Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East;
  • Mosaics of Jordan;
  • Early Christian monuments of Rome and broadly of the Orbis Christianus Antiquus;
  • Monastic and religious identities;
  • Hagiography applied to topographic studies.


  • Since 2022   Rethinking Periphery in Late Antique Arabia (FWF) 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2026
  • Since 2019   Directs the Archaeological Research project at al-Jumaiyil (Jordan).
  • 2013   Member of the research project: "Rapporto tra cultura scritta e cultura visiva nell'elaborazione bizantina della "Santa Follia" di Andrea Salos X secolo". Bergamo University – with P. Cesaretti.
  • Since 2012   Member of the research project: "Fallahin and Nomads in the Southern Levant from Byzantium to the Crusades: Population Dynamics and Artistic Expression". Project directed by C. Dauphin.

Editorial Board Membership:



  • Annual Conference British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology at the University of Oxford (UK) 09-12 January 2020 - Pleanary panel speaker.
  • International conference "Relics in Sacred Space an Archaeological Approach" 13-14 December 2019 Paper: "The City as the Great Reliquary".
  • Congrès International d'Historie et d'Archéologie - Roquebrune sur Argens (France) 20-26 October 2019 with Paper: Fortifications and Settlement Dynamics in the Levant In Late Antiquity.
  • International conference University of Vienna 10-12 October 2019 "From Sun-Day to the Day of the Lord. The Career of a Special day in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages" with Paper: "Sunday in Late Antique Arabia and Palaestina According to Epigraphy and Hagiography".
  • Kurzberichte zu aktuellen Forschungen am IKA, 28 June 2019 with Paper: "Late Antique and Early Christian Archaeology in the University of Vienna".
  • Conference University of Leipzig – title: "Functions, Identities and Transformations: the Roman Castrum in Late Antique Arabia and Palestine 4th-5th centuries", 18th June 2019.
  • International Workshop: Iconophobia? Rethinking Order and Disorder in the Mosaics of Jordan, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies FRIAS– University of Freiburg - 31 January to 1 February 2019. Paper: "Iconophobia in the Ghassanid Church Complex of St Sergius in Nitl".  
  • 14th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan: Culture in Crisis: Flows of Peoples, Artefacts and Ideas, University of Florence, Florence (21st – 25th January 2019). Paper: "Rural Properties in Byzantine and Islamic Arabia and Palaestina Tertia: Church, State and Landowning élite"
  • International Conference Campanile di Giotto, Florence 15-16 November 2018. Paper: (with L. Marino), Paper: "Le torri stilite del Vicino Oriente. La torre di Umm er Rasas in Giordania".
  • International Conference Bridging the Christian Past The Archaeological Legacy of Fr. Michele Piccirillo, ofm (1944–2008) Institut für Klassische Archäologie - Universität Wien  (9th November 2018). Paper: "On the Edge of Heaven: The Stylite Tower of Umm er-Rasas in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Period".
  • International workshop, Department of Art History, University of Vienna (2-3 November 2018), Crossing Rivers in Byzantium and Beyond. Paper: "Crossing the Jordan: Hagiographical Tradition and Archaeological Insights".
  • 17th International Congress of Christian Archaeology, Utrecht University and the Radboud University Nijmegen (2nd July 2018 – 6th July 2018). Paper: "The Christianization of the Roman frontier in the Levant: Functions, identities, and transformations. Some case studies from Arabia and Palaestina (4th - 8th centuries)".
  • Conference Österreichische archäologische Forschungen in Italien - Ricerche e studi in Italia, Istituto Storico Austriaco, (14th – 15th May 2018) – Paper: "Romani in Oriente - Orientali a Roma. Migrazione e mobilità devozionale nel IV e nel VII secolo"
  • Conference XXIV. Tagung der AGCA - Forschungsgeschichte als Aufbruch, Universität Bonn, (10th – 12th May 2018) Paper: "Christian Archaeology at the University of Vienna".
  • Conference at the Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale sezione S. Tommaso d’Aquino (Napoli) – Paper: "Trasformazione e identità. L’Arabia Christiana tra monaci e vescovi".
  • International Conference Pilgrimage to Jerusalem: Christians, Jews and Muslims – Jerusalem 5-7 December 2017 . Paper: "Pilgrimage and Monastic Communities on the Banks of the River Jordan between Hagiography and Archaeology".
  • International Conference From the Human Body to the Universe. Spatialities of Byzantine Culture – 18-21 May 2017 – Uppsala University, Department of Linguistics and Philology. Paper as speaker (with P. CESARETTI): "Spaces Within, Spaces Beyound: Reassessing the Lives of the Holy Fools Symeon and Andrew (BHG 1677, 155z)".
  • International Conference Transformationen von Stadt und Land in byzantinischer Zeit – 16-18 November 2016 at the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz. Paper: "Secular and Ecclesiastical Rural Properties in Byzantine and Islamic Arabia and Palaestina Tertia".
  • Conference for High School Teachers in Classics; organized by the Bureau of Education – Regione Lombardia – Tolò-Naofplio 27-31 August 2015 – Theatre, Theatrical Performance and Theatricality in the Greek-Roman World (invited speaker). Paper: "Occhi Abbagliati, anima rapita. Teatri e cristianesimo tra demoni e divinità".
  • Conference for High School Teachers in Classics; organized by the Bureau of Education – Lombardia Region – Catholic University (Milan) 16th Febbruary 2015 (invited speaker). Paper: ἄτοπον καἰ δαιμόνιον Gli edifici per lo spettacolo tra Oriente ed Occidente".
  • Conference "Luci sul VI secolo. Oriente e Occidente tra Antichità e Medioevo" – organized by Bergamo University – Archaeological Museum (Bergamo) 20-21 May 2014 (invited speaker). Paper: "Le grandi epidemie del VI secolo: sfide e risposte nell’Oriente Bizantino".
  • International Congress For the History and Archaeology of Jordan (ICHAJ) - Berlin (5-11 May 2013).  Paper – as first author and speaker (with M. BEN JEDDOU, C. DAUPHIN, J.M.CASTEX): "Population Dynamics in al-Karak Region in the Byzantine and Islamic Periods".

Conference in Honour of Claudia Barsanti 20 October 2011, Palazzo Venezia – Rome (invited speaker). Paper: "La scultura raffigurata nei mosaici pavimentali delle chiese della Giordania".
  • Conference held at Enna "Kore" State University of Central Sicily - 7 May 2010 (invited speaker). Paper: "The Archaeological Research of the University of Enna in Jordan".
  • International Congress For The History and Archaeology of Jordan (ICHAJ) - Paris (7-12 June 2010) - invited speaker. Paper: Change or Continuity? Rural Settlements in Provincia Arabia and Palaestina Tertia on the Eve of the Arab Conquest, VII – IX centuries.
  •  7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East – Islamic Session (ICAANE) held in London (British Museum and UCL), 12-16 April 2009 (invited speaker). Paper: "City – Village Economic Interaction in Late Antique and Early Islamic Arabia and Palaestinae. Archaeological Evidence".
  • International Conference "Ceramica di Roma e del Lazio" organized by Rome University "La Sapienza" - Rome 18-20 May 2009 (invited speaker). Paper: "Polifunzionalità nella ceramica dai contesti ecclesiali dal territorio di Arabia e di Palaestina Tertia".
  • International Conference: "La Transgiordania nei secoli XII-XIII e le frontiere del mediterraneo medievale" held at Florence and organized by Florence University, 6-8 November 2008 (invited speaker). Paper: "Rural Settlements in Southern Transjordan prior and throughout the Ayyubid – Mamluk periods".
  • XV International Congress of Christian Archaeology "Episcopus, Civitas, Territorium" held in Toledo (Spain), 8-12 September 2008 - invited speaker. Paper:  "Ruolo del Vescovo nella Topografia suburbana e del territorio dell’odierna Giordania sec. V-VIII".
  • XXV International Conference: The Decapolis History and Archaeology held at the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, 7-10 July 2008. Paper: "The Influence of the Urban Model of the Decapolis on Rural Settlements of Arabia in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Epoch".
  • 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East – Islamic Session (ICAANE) held in Rome University  "La Sapienza", 5-10 May 2008 (invited speaker). Paper: "Dynamics and Transformation of the Rural Settlements of Provincia Arabia and Palaestina Tertia in the Omayyad and Early Abbasid Periods. Archaeological Evidence".
  • International Congress ‘Egypt and Near Eastern Countries’ held at the Russian State University for Humanities (RGGU) Moscow (Russia), 13-20 May 2006 (invited speaker). Paper: "Some Aspects of Funerary Art and Architecture in Late Antique and Early Byzantine Egypt".
  • International Congress: "Settlement and Demography in the Middle East from Diocletian to the Arab Conquest". Held by the University of Basilicata, 27-29 October 2005 (invited speaker). Paper: "Settlement Patterns in Provincia Arabia from Diocletian to the Arab Conquest. Archaeological Evidence".
  • International Congress ‘Egypt and Near Eastern Countries’ held at Helwan University - Cairo (Egypt), 7-9 May 2005 (invited speaker). Paper: "Egyptian Symbols on Paleobyzantine Amulets".
  • IXth National Congress of Christian Archaeology held at Agrigento (Italy) ‘The Christianisation in Italy Between Late Antiquity and Early Medieval Periods’ (invited speaker). Paper:  "Christianisation of Decorative Space: the Task of Geometrical Decorations in the Roman Catacomb Art".
  • International Congress ‘Egypt and Near Eastern Countries’ held at the Russian State University for Humanities (RGGU) Moscow (Russia), 9-15 October 2004 (invited speaker). Paper: "The image of Egypt in The Mosaics of the Middle East".
  •  International Congress "Segni della chiesa nella città. I beni culturali della chiesa di Novara come patrimonio cittadino" held at Novara (Italy) 16 May 1998 (invited speaker). Paper: "L'incidenza del pellegrinaggio sulla diffusione degli stilemmi artistici".  
  • International colloquium "The Madaba Map Centenary 1897-1997" held in Amman, Jordan, 7-9 April 1997 (invited speaker). Paper: "The River Nile and Egypt in the Mosaics of the Middle East".
  • XIIIth International Congress of Christian Archaeology held at Split -Porec' (Croatia), 25 September - 1 October 1994.  Paper: "Ritratti e Immagini di donatori nei mosaici della Giordania VI-VIII secolo".
  • Gives a speech on the name of young scholars of Christian Archaeology at the closing ceremony of XIIIth International Congress of Christian Archaeology held at Split -Porec' (Croatia), 25 September - 1 October 1994 .
  • International Congress of Byzantine Studies at Moscow 1991. Paper (with N.I. Sericoff): "Greek Transcriptions and Loan Words in Islamic Medieval Sources, X - XIV Century" .


  • 2018 - Organizes the International Conference Bridging the Christian Past The Archaeological Legacy of Fr. Michele Piccirillo, ofm (1944–2008) Institut für Klassische Archäologie - Universität Wien  (9th November 2018).
  • 2019 - Organizes the international Conference "Relics in Sacred Space. An Archaeological Approach" in the Institut für Klassische Archäologie - Universität Wien  (13-14 December November 2019).

OTHER (seminars, special courses and talks on invitation):

  • 22 January 2020 invited to give a talk by the Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik and the Österreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft on: „Assessing Byzantine Rural Settlements in Arabia. The contribution of the first archaeological campaign at al-Jumaiyil"
  • 02 April 2019 – Lecture for PhD students at KOC University – Istanbul:  "Mt Nebo a Biblical Site between Archaeology and Local Community".
  • 20 April – 22 April 2018 – Panel chair at the conference Armenia and Byzantium without borders organised by Instituto of Byzantinistic – Vienna Univeristy.
  • November 2017 – Houskolloquium Vienna University: "The Mosaicists’ Bible. Framing Visual Narratives in Byzantine Arabia and Palaestina Tertia".
  • 2017 – Lecture on "Empress Helen and Empress Eudokia in the Holy Land" at Bergamo University within the course Roman History B.
  • 2015/2016 - Lecture on "Constantinian Monuments of Rome" at Bergamo University within the course Roman History B.
  • 2014/2015 - Lecture on "Constantinople under Constantine" at Bergamo University within the course Roman History B.
  • 2011/2012 – Lecture on "Monuments of Rome in Late Antiquity" at Bergamo University within the course Roman History B.
  • 2010, October gives lectures at the seminar held at the Department of Architecture: "Restauro e conservazione dei Beni Architettonici" at Florence University for MA students on: "Il Limes Arabicus in Giordania: problemi di interpretazione e di Tutela".
  • 18 December 2009, invited to give a lecture on: "Ainoun Sapsaphas : The Baptism Site in Jordan" at the presentation of the book "Giordania. Terrasanta di Meditazione" – Bergamo.
  • 19th November 2009, Jerusalem: Memorial Lecture for Father Michele Piccirillo, OFM:  "Poca favilla gran fiamma seconda: Michele Piccirillo Pioneer of Byzantine Archaeology in the Middle East" at the invitation of the Christian Swedish Study Centre – BILDA, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, and the Institute of Holy land Studies of the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate.
  • 14-20 August 2009 Course of Lectures in: "Archaeology and History of Art of Syria" held at The National Museum of Damascus - Syria, coordinated by CEIS Department of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
  • 5th July 2009, invited to give a Lecture on: "The Mosaics of the Diakonicon – Baptistery of Mount Nebo" at the First International Mosaic Premium dedicated to Fr. Michele Piccirillo in Caserta- Napoli.
  • 27 March 2008, invited to give a Memorial Lecture for Father Michele Piccirillo, OFM:  "Padre Michele Piccirillo e la comunità cristiana di Madaba" organized by Molise University – Isernia – Italy.
  • 2008, June gives lectures at the International workshop held in the Archaeological park of "Villa del Casal" in Piazza Armerina (Sicily) promoted by Assessorato Regionale dei Beni Culturali ed Ambientali della Regione Sicilia and by the Museo Archeologico Regionale della Villa Imperiale del Casale di Piazza Armerina.
  • March 2000/ Febbruary 2002/ May 2004/ April 2006 – invited to hold thematic seminars on Early Christian and Byzantine Archaeology and History of Art for Post graduate students at the University of Florence (Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia).
  • Ottobre 2002/ September 2004/ June 2005 – gives lectures to Post Graduate students at the Department of Architecture – University of Florence on:
    • "Restauro di manufatti architettonici allo stato di rudere";
    • "Scavo archeologico e conservazione in aree estreme";  
    • "Scavo e restauro di siti a manufatti architettonici in aree marginali";
  • 1998-1999 Invited by the Museum of "Castello Sforzesco" Milan (Civiche Raccolte d’Arte Applicata – Castello Sforzesco), to prepare a full inventory of the Extra-European collections, with a selection of most significant works of art and material culture to be displayed  (currently in MUDEC - Museum of Cultures - Milano)
  • 1997  July gives lectures within the program promoted by European Comunity on: "The Mediterranean Mosaics" held in Dion- Greece.
  • 1996 Research Responsible and lecturer at the "Madaba Mosaic School" Jordan within the framework of the Italian-Jordanian Cooperation Project promoted by the Italian Foreign Office (MAE);


  • Since 2014/2015 – Grant for the study of Arabic/Greek and Latin sources. Research project: "Fallahin and Nomads in the Southern Levant from Byzantium to the Crusades: Population Dynamics and Artistic Expression". Project directed by C. Dauphin (UMR 8167 of CNRS, Paris, and University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter) and M. Ben Jeddou (Associate Researcher of UMR 8167, CNRS, Paris). Funded by the Augustus Foundation and the Council for British Research in the Levant (CBRL) – British Institute, Amman.
  • 2013  Grant – University of Bergamo for the research project: "Ricerche sul rapporto tra cultura scritta e cultura visiva nell'elaborazione bizantina della "Santa Follia" di Andrea Salos X secolo".
  • 2008 – Survey Grant given by Enna University for the study of Nakhl rural settlement in Southern Jordan.
  • 2006 – Excavation Grant given by Madaba Community for the excavation of Nitl – Church B and Atrium
  • 1991/1992 – 1993/1994 scholarship holder of the Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana - Rome (via Napoleone III, 1).  


  • Member of the Scientific Committee for the XIV International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan
  • Since 2011  Member Correspondent for Jordan for AIEMA - Association internationale pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque antique
  • Invited as member of the organizing committee at the meeting of the XV International Congress of Christian Archaeology "Episcopus, Civitas, Territorium" held in Toledo (Spain), 8-12 September 2008 – as representative of Jordan.
  • Since 2010 to date - Serves on Search Committees for foreign universities for postdoctoral fellows, assistant and associate professorship (including England, Germany, Australia).
  • Since 2009 Peer-reviewer for a number of American and European research councils and institutes for Advanced Studies and other funding bodies, as well as international journals and publishing houses.


  • 2019 – Directs the Archaeological Excavation project at al-Jumaiyil (Madaba)- Jordan.
  • 2007 – Coordinator and director of the Survey of Enna Kore State University in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities of Jordan at the village of Nukhul/Nakhl/Karak (Jordan)
  • 2006, 1996–1999 – Excavation of the village of Nitl – Jordan with the Franciscan Archaeological Institute of Mount Nebo.
  • 1997/1998 – Excavation of the Late Antique necropolis of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, coordinated by the Institute of Archaeology and Art History and the Archaeological Direction of Lombardy Region. During the excavation period, Supervises undergraduate students and Field Lecturer on excavation techniques.
  • 1997 – Roman period necropolis excavation at Levate (Bergamo, Italy) for the Archaeological Direction of Lombardy Region.
  • 1993 to 1996 – Pope Marc Basilica (area of St. Callisto Catacomb - in Rome)- Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra.
  • 1992 to 1994 – Madaba urban excavations - Franciscan Archaeological Institute Mount Nebo. Period: July-September.
  • 1991 – Umm el-Walid and Umm er-Rasas - Foundation Max van Berchem (Geneva).
  • 1988 to 1991 – Umm er-Rasas Excavations- Franciscan Archaeological Institute Mount Nebo. Period: July-September.



  • 2003 – Topografia cristiana ed insediamenti rurali nel territorio dell’odierna Giordania nelle epoche bizantina ed omayyade V-IX sec., Studi di Antichità Cristiana, Città del Vaticano, ISBN 88-85991-30-0 .
  • 1994/95 – I motivi zoomorfi nei mosaici della Giordania bizantina ed omayyade, vols I-II, PhD Thesis, copies deposited at the National Libraries of Rome and Florence.
Co-Authored Books
  • 2016 – B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • 2011 – B. Hamarneh with C. Dauphin eds., Fr. Michele Piccirillo, ofm (1944-2008). Celebrating His Life and Work, British Archaeological Reports, International series 2248, Archaeopress,  Oxford. ISBN 978-1-40-730815-9
  • 1997 – B. Hamarneh with S. Manacorda, Pellegrini a Roma. Dalle catacombe alle basiliche, Milano.



Articles in press
  • "Monastic Estates in Byzantine Arabia and Palaestina (4th-9th centuries), a Re-Assessment" in Blank L., Cromwell J. eds,  Monastic Economies in Egypt and Palestine, 4th to 11th centuries CE, Cambridge.
  • "Crossing the River Jordan: Hagiographical Tradition and Archaeological Insights", in G. Fingarova and A. Kulzer (ed.), Crossing Rivers in Byzantium and Beyond.
  • "Christian Art and Visual Culture in Umayyad Bilad al-Sham" in A. Marsham (ed.), The Umayyad World, Routledge.
  • "The Christianization of the Roman frontier in the Levant: Functions, identities, and transformations. Some case studies from Arabia and Palaestina (4th - 8th centuries)", Proceedings of the XVII International Conference of Christian Archaeology.
  •  "Iconophobia in the Ghassanid Church Complex of St Sergius in Nitl", in F. Stroth, H. Maguire, Collateral Images. Rethinking Iconoclasm in Byzantine and Umayyad-era Jordan and Palestine, FAVIS, Freiburg.   
Published articles, chapters in books


  • Pillinger, R. (Hrsg.), Hamarneh, B. (Hrsg.), Harreither, R. (Hrsg.), Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie 28, Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW).
  • Hamarneh, B., Cloaked in Light. Some Thoughts on Artificial Illumination in Churches in Late Antiquity, in Illuminations. Studies Presented to Lioba Theis. Fingarova, G., Gargova, F. & Mullett, M. (Hrsg.). Wien: Phoibos Verlag 2022, 25-37.
  • Hamarneh, B., Christian Archaeology at the University of Vienna, in Forschungsgeschichte als Aufbruch Beiträge zur Geschichte der Christlichen Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte, XXIV. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie, Bonn, 10.–12. Mai 2018. Schrenk, S. & Verstegen, U. (Hrsg.). Heidelberg: Propylaeum 2022, 191-197.
  • Hamarneh, B., Review of: B. Bowman, Christian Monastic Life in Early Islam, Church History. Studies in Christianity and Culture, 91, 1 (2022) 126-128.
  • Hamarneh, B., Review of: Islème Sassi: Paulinus und sein Nola. Werbung für ein spätantikes Pilgerzentrum (Schweizerische Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft (SBA), Bd. 48), Basel: Schwabe 2020, ISBN 978-3-7965-4057-8, Sehepunkte: Rezensionsjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 22.
  • Hamarneh, B., Rural Properties in Byzantine and Islamic Arabia ana Palestine Tertia: Church, State, and Landowning Élite, in F. Balaawi, P.P. Creasman (ends.), Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XIV/2, Amman 2022, 611-625.
  • Hamarneh, B. & Cesaretti, P., Spaces Within, Spaces Beyond. Reassessing the Lives of the Holy Fools Symeon and Andrew (BHG 1677, 115z), Spatialities of the Byzantine Culture from the Human Body to the Universe. Veikou, M. & Nilsson, I. (Hrsg.). Leiden Boston: Brill (2022), 595-612.
  • Hamarneh, B., The Justinian Renaissance in the East: Reality or Illusion? In Perspectives on Byzantine Archaeology. From Justinian to the Abbaside Age (6th–9th Centuries). Castrorao Barba, A. & Castiglia, G. (Hrsg.). Turnhout: Brepols Publishers (2022), 81–92 12.


  • Hamarneh, B. & Bianchi, D. (eds.), Late Antique Mosaics. Current Research and Conservation Strategies across the Mediterranean. Wien: Phoibos Verlag (2021).
  • Pillinger, R. (Hrsg.), Hamarneh, B. (Hrsg.), Harreither, R. (Hrsg.), Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie 27, Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW).
  • Hamarneh, B. & Stone, M. J., An Armenian Copper Bowl from Jerusalem, Journal of the Society of Armenian Studies, 27/2 (2021), 2251–252.
  • Hamarneh, B., Esploratori del passato, Terra Santa 1, 17 (2021), 54—59.
  • Hamarneh, B. & Benedettucci, F., Fr. Michele Piccirillo OFM. Un grande protagonista dell'archeologia bizantina nel Vicino Oriente, Mare Nostrum 2 (2021), 328-344.
  • Hamarneh, B. & Marino, L., Le torri stilite del Vicino Oriente. La torre di Umm er-Rasas in Giordania, in: Kermes: arte e tecnica del restauro, 34, 121 (2021), 45–54.
  • Hamarneh, B., Mosaici as Markers of Change. The Case of the Churches of Provincia Arabia. In: Hamarneh, B. & Bianchi, D. (eds.), Late Antique Mosaici. Current Research and Conservation Strategies across the Mediterranean, Wien: Phoibos Verlag (2021), 89–104.
  • Hamarneh, B. & Bianchi, D., Prologue. In: Hamarneh, B. & Bianchi, D. (eds.), Late Antique Mosaici. Current Research and Conservation Strategies across the Mediterranean, Wien: Phoibos Verlag (2021), 9–10.
  • Hamarneh, B., Neutrolizing Iconophobia? Plants in post-iconophobic mosaics of the Byzantine Middle East. In: Giannoulis, M., Lös, M. & Oepen, A. (Hrsg.), Imaginum Orbis. Bilderwelten zwischen Antike und Byzanz: Festschrift für Johannes G. Deckers. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag (2021), 93–108.
  • Hamarneh, B., Roma e l'oriente. Migrazione e mobilità nelle fonti scritte ed epigrache (IV-VII secolo). In: dell'Osso, C. & Pergola, P. (Hrsg.), Titulum Nostrum Perlege: Miscellanea in onore di Danilo Mazzoleni. Città del Vaticano: Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana (2021), 558-570.
  • Hamarneh, B. & Bianchi, D., Spätantike und Frühchristliche Archäologie. In: G. Schörner & J. Kopf (Hrsg.) 1869–2019. 150 Jahre Klassische Archäologie an der Universität Wien. Wien: Phoibos Verlag (2021), 93.
  • Hamarneh, B. & Bianchi, D., The Pottery of the Monastic Complex of Mt Nebo – North Wing: Typology and Chronology. In: Ployer, R. & Svoboda-Baas, D. (Hrsg.), Magnis Itineribus Festschrift für Verena Gassner. Wien: Phoibos Verlag (2021), 97-122.
  • Hamarneh, B. & Cesaretti, P., Visualising angels in the Live of Andrew, the Holy Fool (BHG 115 z). Its sources and parallels.  In: Lauritzen, D. (Hrsg.), Inventer les anges de l’Antiquité à Byzance : conception, représentation, perception. Paris: College de France, Band 25/2 (2021), 695-720.


  • Hamarneh, B., Christian art and visual culture in Umayyad Bilad al-Sham. In: Marsham, A. (Hrsg.), The Umayyad World, Abingdon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis (2020), 464-485.
  • Hamarneh, B., Pottery in Context: on 8th -9th Century Deposits in the Churches of Arabia and Palaestina. In: Coniglio, A. & Rico, A. (Hrsg.), Holy Land: Archaeology on Either Side. Archaeological Essays in Honor of Eugenio Alliata, ofm, Milano: Terra Santa (2020), 265-280.
  • Pillinger, R. (Hrsg.), Hamarneh, B. (Hrsg.), Harreither, R. (Hrsg.), Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie 26, Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW). 103 S.
  • Hamarneh, B., Between Hagiography and Archaeology: Pilgrimage and Monastic Communities on the Banks of the River Jordan. In: Daim, F., Patrich, J., Rapp, C. & Seligman, J. (Hrsg.), Pilgrimage to Jerusalem Journeys, Destinations, Experiences across Times and Cultures. Mainz: Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz, Band 19 (2020), 41-56.



  • "From Nabataean to Byzantine: Reuse Strategies in Ecclesiastical Context—Some case studies from Arabia and Palaestina Tertia" , in O. Peleg-Barkat, J. Ashkenazi, U. Leibner, M. Aviam and R. Talgam (edts.), Between Sea and Desert: On Kings, Nomads, Cities and Monks. Essays in Honor of Joseph Patrich, Jerusalem 2019, pp. 55-66.
  • "The Mosaic Pavement of the Umayyad Residence of Shuqayra al-Gharbiyya between tradition and Innovation". In : Musiva et Sectilia. 14/2017, pp. 117-152.
  • Review of: Baratte Francois, Michel Vincent (dir.), Architecture et décor dans l’Orient chrétien (IVe-VIIIe siècle). Actes de la journée d’étude en hommage au père Michele Piccirillo (INHA, Paris, 8 décembre 2011) Paris, de Boccard, 2016, Bulletin de l’Association internationale pour l’étude de la mosaïque antique, 25 (2019), p. 450-451
  • Review of: Noel Lenski, Constantine and the Cities: Imperial Authority and Civic Politics, Emire and After, Philadelphia 2016. In Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum - Journal of Ancient Christianity, 23, 2 (2019), pp. 345-348.


  • "The Mosaicists’ Bible. Reading the Visual Narratives in Byzantine Arabia and Palaestina Tertia" in Mitteilungen  zur Christlichen Archaologie 24 (2018), pp. 9-36.
  • "Magnificenza, solidità, colore. Pavimenti in opus sectile ad est del Giordano: osservazioni preliminari, in "Di Bisanzio dirai ciò che è passato, che passa e che sarà" Scritti in onore di Alessandra Guiglia. Pedone, S. & Paribeni, A. (Hrsg.). Roma: Bardi Edizioni srl, Band I, pp.  81-96.
  • "Jordanie", in AA.VV., Bulletin de l’Association internationale pour l’Étude de la mosaïque antique, 24 (2014), Paris.
  •  "Capernaum" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. I, p. 289.
  • "Capitolias" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University,  Press, vol. I, p. 290.
  • "Palestine" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. II, p. 1126-1127.
  • "Circesium" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. I, p. 346.
  • "Elusa" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. I, p. 533.
  • "Galilee" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. I, p. 636-637.
  • "Gaulanitis" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. I, p. 646.
  • "Khirbet Qana" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. II, p. 860.
  • "Lydda" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. II, p. 929-930.
  • "Maiuma - Port of Gaza" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. II, p. 946-947.
  • "Nazareth" in O. Nicholson (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, vol. II, p. 1064.


  • "Una città per il salos. La costruzione agiografica dell’orizzonte urbano", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 60-82, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Divinità", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 89, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Paradiso", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 93-94, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Angeli", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 97-99, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Figure dell’intercessione la Madre di Dio e I santi", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 104-107, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Sorte dell’anima", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 110-111, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Demoni e inferno", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 115-116, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Chiese e basiliche", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 119, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Monaci e monasteri", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 120-121, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Il volto del potere", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 129-130, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Denaro", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 133-135, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Mercati e negozi", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 136-138, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Ippodromo, circo e teatro ", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 139-140, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Attori e ballerine", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 141-142, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Terme e bagni", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 144-145, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Dimore private", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 146-148, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Lampade e illuminazione", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 149-151-94, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • "Abiti", in B. Hamarneh with P. Cesaretti, Spazio agiografico e orizzonte visivo. Ricontestualizzare le Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (BHG 1677, 115z), Testi e Studi Bizantino-Neoellenici XX, p. 152-156, Roma, ISBN 978-88-681276-5-7.
  • B. Hamarneh with M. Ben Jeddou, C. Dauphin and J.M. Castex, "Population Dynamics in the al-Karak Region in the Byzantine and Islamic Periods", in Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XII: Transparent Borders, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan, p. 683-702, Amman.


  • "The Visual Dimension of Sacred Space: Wall Mosaics in the Byzantine Churches of Jordan. A Reassessment". In: Atti del XII colloquio internazionale per lo studio del mosaico antico. Venezia, 11-15 settembre 2012, Association Internationale pour l’Étude de la Mosaïque Antique, p. 239-248, Verona, ISBN: 9788898877492
  • "La scultura raffigurata nei mosaici pavimentali delle chiese del Vicino Oriente" in Guiglia A., Paribeni A., Pedone S. eds., Con lo sguardo a Levante, scritti in onore di Claudia Barsanti, RIVISTA DELL' ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI ARCHEOLOGIA E STORIA DELL' ARTE, vol. 66 (2011); p. 49-56, ISSN: 0392-5285
  • "The Mosaics at Nitl and Tell al-Umayri East", in G. Fisher (ed.), Arabs and Empires Before Islam. p. 335-347, OXFORD: British Archaeological Reports, ISBN 978-0-19-965452-9
  • "Continuity or Change? Rural Settlements in Provincia Arabia and Palaestina Tertia in the Seventh to Ninth Centuries", in Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XI (2015), pp. 61-69.


  • "Geography of Devotion in Byzantine Arabia and Palaestina: Epigraphic Evidence". In Knowledge and Wisdom Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Segni. p. 121-136, JERUSALEM: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, ISBN 978-88-6240-274-3
  • "Il fenomeno rupestre nell’Oriente Bizantino: il caso delle province di Arabia e di Palaestina Tertia" in J. Lopéz-Quiroga, A. Tejera (eds), In concavis petrarum habitaverunt. El fenomeno rupestre en el Mediterràneo Medieval: De la investigaciòn a la puesta en valor, Archaeological Studies on Late Antiquity and Early Medieval Europe, Oxford, pp. 361-374.
  • "Jordanie", in AA.VV., Bulletin de l’Association internationale pour l’Étude de la mosaïque antique, 23 (2013), Paris, pp. 341-351
  • "Territoires Autonomes Palestiniens", in Bulletin de l’Association internationale pour l’Étude de la mosaïque antique, 23 (2013), Paris, p. 378.
  • "The Decapolis Under Justianian: Prosperity in Question". ARAM PERIODICAL; p. 135-155, ISSN: 0959-4213


  • "Ruolo del vescovo nella topografia suburbana e del territorio dell'odierna Giordania sec. V-VIII". In: Atti del XV Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana: Episcopo, Civitas, Territorium - Toledo. Toledo -Spagna, 8-12 Settembre, CITTA' DEL VATICANO: PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO DI ARCHEOLOGIA CRISTIANA, p. 415-430.
  • "Scene bibliche nella basilica di Ya'amun: una riconsiderazione". NEA ROMI. RIVISTA DI RICERCHE BIZANTINISTICHE, vol. 9 (2012); p. 5-22, ISSN: 1970-2345 .


  • "Byzantium in Asia Minor and the Levant". In D. Potts (ed), Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. vol. 2, p. 1060-1075, LONDON: Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN/ISSN 978-1-4051-8988-0
  • "Rural Settlements in Southern Transjordan prior and throughout the Ayyubid Mamluk periods". In Vannini G., Nucciotti M. (eds), La Transgiordania nei secolo XII-XIII e le frontiere del Mediterraneo medievale. p. 181-188, Oxford: Archaeopress Publishers of British Archaeological, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4073-0978-1
  • "Monasteries in Rural Context in Byzantine Arabia and Palaestina Tertia: A Reassessment". In Christ is Here. Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Fr Michele Piccirillo ofm. p. 275-296, JERUSALEM: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-6240-161-6


  • "The Influence of the Urban Model of the Decapolis on Rural Settlements of Arabia in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Epoch". ARAM PERIODICAL, vol. 23; p. 527-557, ISSN: 0959-4213
  • HAMARNEH B. review of:  Khroushkova L, Les monuments chrétiens de la cote orientale de la Mer Noire. Abkhazia IVe-XIV siécles, Turnhout 2006. RIVISTA DI ARCHEOLOGIA CRISTIANA, vol. 86 (2010); p. 430-436, ISSN: 0035-6042
  • "Poca Favilla Gran Fiamma Seconda: Fr Michele Piccirillo ofm Pioneer of Byzantine Archaeology in the Middle East". In Memoriam Fr Michele Piccirillo ofm (1944-2008) Celebrating his Life and Work. p. 45-55, Oxford: Archaeopress Publishers of British Archaeological , ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4073-0815-9
  • HAMARNEH B. translation to Italian: W. Al-Hashimi, Cos'è l'arte islamica?. Amman: Royal Society of Arts, p. 1-55
  • HAMARNEH B. review of: Fiema ZT, Frosén J (eds), Petra The Mountain of Aaron I. The Church and the Chapel. LIBER ANNUUS; p. 427-433, ISSN: 0081-8933


  • "Dynamics and Transfornation of the Rural Settlements of Provincia Arabia and Palaestina Tertia in the Omayyad and Early Abbasid Periods. Archaeological Evidence", Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East – ICAANE, Wiesbaden 2010, pp. 91-109.
  • "Là dove scorre il fiume dell’iniziazione cristiana (reportage)", Jesus 4 (Aprile), pp. 78-81.
  • "Progetto di ricerca sul distretto di Nukhul/Nakhl al-Kerak". In Giordania. Crocevia di popoli e di culture. Roma Palazzo del Quirinale 23 Ottobre-31 Gennaio 2010. pp. 191-193, ROMA: Civita


  • "Aspects of Christianization of Castrum Structures in Late Antique and Byzantine Arabia and Palaestina Tertia, Archaeological Evidence", in Temporis Signa 6, pp. 67-83.  
  • "I mosaici bizantini della Giordania nel V-VIII secolo: aspetti iconografici", in MC. Lentini (a cura di), I mosaici mediterranei, Piazza Armerina – Catania, pp. 45-63.
  • "Progetto di ricerca sul distretto di Nukhul/Nakhl al-Kerak", in L. Godart ed., Giordania crocevia di popoli e di culture – Catalogue of the exhibition held in the Quirinal Palace in Rome in occasion of the official visit of Their Majesties King Abdallah II and Queen Rania Al-Abdallah, pp. 191-193


  • "Decorazioni musive delle chiese bizantine in Giordania V-VIII secolo, in della Valle M. (a cura di)", Bisanzio fuori da Costantinopoli, Milano 2008, pp. 31-70.
  • "Insediamenti goti nell’Italia settentrionale", in Barsanti C., A. Paribeni, S. Pedone (a cura di), Rex Theodericus. Il medaglione d’oro di Morro d’Alba, Roma, pp.49-53 .
  • "Teodorico e la Corona Ferrea", in Barsanti C. , A. Paribeni, S. Pedone eds., Rex Theodericus. Il medaglione d’oro di Morro d’Alba, Roma, pp. 231-236.
  • with K. Hinkanen, "The Mosaics", in Z.T. Fiema, J. Frösén (eds), Petra – The Mountain of Aaron I. The Church and the Chapel, Helsinki, pp. 246-271.


  • "Egyptian Symbols on Early Byzantine Amulets", in Kormisheva E.E., Ladynin I. (a cura di), Cultural Heritage of Egypt and Christian Orient 4, Moscow, pp. 251-260.
  • "La cristianizzazione degli spazi decorativi. Il ruolo dell’ornato geometrico nella pittura cimiteriale romana", in R. M. Bonacasa Carra, E. Vitale eds., La cristianizzazione in Italia tra tardoantica ed altomedioevo, Atti del IX Congresso Nazionale di Archeologia Cristiana, vol. 1 , Palermo, pp. 195-216.
  • "La Nuova Gerusalemme nel monastero della resurrezione di Istra", in M. Piccirillo (a cura di), La Nuova Gerusalemme. Artigianato palestinese al servizio dei luoghi Santi, Jerusalem, pp. 90-91.


  • "Archaeological Excavation Campaign in the Village of Nitl", in M. Piccirillo, ‘Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXXIV’, Liber Annuus 56, pp. 572-576, tav. 1-2 .
  • "Relazione dello scavo del complesso ecclesiale di Nitl. Stratigrafia e ceramica",  Liber Annuus 56, pp. 399-458, tavv. 17-22.
  • "Settlement Patterns in Provincia Arabia from Diocletian to the Arab Conquest. Archaeological Evidence", in A. Lewin, P. Pellegrini (eds), Settlements and Demography in The Near East in Late Antiquity, Pisa, Roma, pp. 89-104.
  • "The Image of Egypt in the Mosaics of the Middle East", in Kormysheva E.E., A. Nemirovsky, I. Ladynin eds., Cultural Heritage of Egypt and Christian Orient 3, Moscow, pp. 183-198.


  •  "Icona plumbea inedita con l’effige di Cristo e Maria Orante", in M. Piccirillo (a cura di), ‘Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIII’, Liber Annuus 55, pp. 501-504


  • "Mosaici pavimentali delle chiese rurali di Nitl della Provincia Arabia", Musiva et Sectilia 1, 2004, pp. 199-215.
  • "Un amuleto inedito di Salomone cavaliere", in M. Piccirillo ed.,‘Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIII’, Liber Annuus 54, pp. 429-432.


  • "Scavo archeologico e conservazione in aree "estreme": il caso delle località rurali dell’odierna Giordania", in L. Marino eds., Restauro di manufatti architettonici allo stato di rudere, Firenze, pp. 80-82.
  • "Le residenze nel territorio (mondo islamico)", in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, Enciclopedia Archeologica Treccani, Roma, pp. 923-924.
  • "I materiali lignei (mondo islamico)", in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, Enciclopedia Archeologica Treccani, Roma, pp. 189-190.
  • "Architettura Funeraria (mondo islamico)", in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, Enciclopedia Archeologica Treccani, Roma, pp. 205-206.
  • "Le aree sepolcrali (mondo islamico)", in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, Enciclopedia Archeologica Treccani, Roma, pp. 518-519.
  • "Altri materiali (mondo islamico)", in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, Enciclopedia Archeologica Treccani, Roma, pp. 885-886.
  • "Georgia", in Il Mondo dell’Archeologia, Enciclopedia Archeologica Treccani, Roma, pp. 322-323.
  • Articles for The Italian Archaeological Encyclopaedia: Atropatene; Derbend; Djanbaz kala; Chernaya Mogila (Kurgan); Chersoneso; Enisey Kirguiz; Ephimenko (biography); Dzurzeni; Amman (Late Antiquity and Islam); Gorodzov; Garni; Gagarino; Gorbunovo; Glazkovo; Baku (Islamic period); Arma e Armatura (Byzantine period); Corinto; Epiro; Cisterna (Late Antiquity and Islam); Amuleto (Islam); Avorio (Islam); Ambra (Islam); Crimea; Meineke (biography); Sarre (biography); Van Berchem (biography); Architettura funeraria (Funerary Architecture of the Islamic world); Manufatti di origine vegetale (Islamic world); Legno Architettura (Islamic world); Ceramica (Islamic world); Materiale Lapideo (Islamic world); Bronzo (Islamic world).


  •  "The River Nile and Egypt in the Mosaics of the Middle East", in Piccirillo M., Alliata E. eds., The Madaba Map Centenary. Travelling Through the Byzantine Umayyad Period, Jerusalem, pp. 185-190.


  • "Ritratti ed immagini dei benefattori nei mosaici della Giordania V-VIII secolo", in Acta XIII Congressus Internazionalis Archaeologiae Christianae, Città del Vaticano - Split, vol. II, pp. 411-422.


  • "Evergetismo ecclesiastico e laico nella Giordania bizantina ed ommayade nel V-VIII secolo. Testimonianze epigrafiche", in Vetera Christianorum 33, pp.57-75.


  • "I mosaici del complesso di S.Stefano. Proposta di lettura", in M.Piccirillo, E.Alliata, Umm al-Rasas Mayfa'ah I. Gli scavi del complesso di Santo Stefano, Jerusalem, pp.231-240.
  • "L'immagine del Leone nella decorazione musiva degli edifici di culto della Giordania", Bessarione 11, pp.95-110.


Book Reviews


  • B. Hamarneh, "Mosaics Mirror of Faith" (Review):  of  R. Talgam, Mosaics of Faith. Floors of Pagans, Jews, Samaritans, Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land, in Ars Judaica 12 (2016), pp. 149-152.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Z. T. Fiema, J. Frösén (a cura di), Petra The Mountain of Aaron I. The Church and the Chaple, Helsinki 2008, in Liber Annuus LX, 2010, pp. 427-433.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): L. Khroushkova, Les monuments chrétiens de la côte orientale de la Mer Noire. Abkhazie IVe-XIV siécles, Turnhout 2006, in Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana 86, 2010, pp. 430-436.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Vannini G., Nucciotti M. (a cura di), Da Petra a Shawback. Archeologia di una frontiera, Firenze 2009, in Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIV, in Liber Annuus LIX, 2009, in corso di stampa.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Vannini G., Archeologia dell’insediamento crociato-ayyubide in Transgiordania. Il progetto Shawbak, Biblioteca di Archeologia Medievale 21, Firenze, 2007, in C. Pappalardo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIV, in Liber Annuus LVIII, 2008, pp.539 -541.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Milwright M., The Fortress of the Raven. Karak in the Middle Islamic Period 1100-1650, Leiden-Boston 2008, in C. Pappalardo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIV, in Liber Annuus LVIII, 2008, 545-548.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Y. E. Meimaris, K.I. Kritikakou-Nikolaropoulou, Inscriptions From Palaestina Tertia. The Greek Inscriptions From Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoara - Supplement), Khirbet Qazone and Feinan. vol. Ib, Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity. National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens 2008, in C. Pappalardo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIV, Liber Annuus LVIII, 2008, 541-545.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): David Kennedy, Robert Bewley, Ancient Jordan From The Air, London 2004, , in M. Piccirillo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIII, in Liber Annuus LVII, 2007, pp. 718-720.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Antti Arjava, Matias Buchholz, Traianos Gagos (a cura di), The Petra Papyri III, con contributi di R.C. Caldwell, R.W. Daniel, L. Koenen, M. Lehtinen, M. Mikkola, M. Mustonen, T. Parola, E. Salmenkivi, M. Vesterinen, M. Vierros, ACOR, Amman 2007 in M. Piccirillo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIII, Liber Annuus LVII, 2007, pp.713-718.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): R. F. Qaqish, Architettura delle chiese e loro annessi in Giordania nei periodi bizantino ed omayyade (in Arabic), Amman 2007, in M. Piccirillo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIII, Liber Annuus LVII, 2007, pp. 721-724.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): N. Duval (ed), Les églises de Jordanie et leurs mosaïques. Actes de la journée d’études organisée le 22 février 1989 au musée de la Civilisation gallo-romaine de Lyon, in M. Piccirillo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIII, Liber Annuus LVI, 2006, pp. 610-614 (disponibile sul sito web dello Studium Biblicum).


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Y. Meimaris, Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia. The Greek Inscriptions from Ghor es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora). Vol.Ia, Athens 2005, in M. Piccirillo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIII, Liber Annuus LV, 2005, pp. 509-514.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Suburbium. Il suburbio di Roma dalla crisi del sistema delle ville a Gregorio Magno, Ph. Pergola, R. Santangeli Valenzani, R. Volpe (eds), Roma, École Française de Rome, 2003 (Collection de l’École Française de Rome, 311), in Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia, in corso di stampa.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): S. Ognibene, La chiesa di Santo Stefano di Umm al-Rasas. Il problema iconofobico, Roma 2002, in M. Piccirillo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXIII, Liber Annuus LIV, 2004, pp. 441-444.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): M. Piccirillo, L’Arabia Cristiana, Milano 2002, in M. Piccirillo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXII, Liber Annuus LIII, 2003, pp. 451-458.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Jaakko Frösén, Antti Arjava, Mario Lehtinen (a cura di), The Petra Papyri I, con contributi di Z.T. Fiema, C.A. Kuehn, T. Parola, T. Rankinen, M, Vesterinen, M. Vierros, ACOR, Amman 2002; pp. 142, in M. Piccirillo, Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXII, Liber Annuus LII, 2002, pp.503-507.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): E. Villeneuve, P.M.Watson (eds), La céramique byzantine et proto-islamique en Syrie-Jordanie (IVe-VIIIe siècles apr. J.-C.), Actes du colloque tenu à Amman les 3, 4 et 5 décembre 1994, Institut Français d’archéologie du Proche-Orient, Bibliothèque archéologique et Historique , t. 159, Beyrouth 2001, in M. Piccirillo (ed), Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXII, Liber Annuus LII, 2002, pp.507-512.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Z.T. Fiema, C. Kanellopoulos, T. Waliszewski, R. Schick, The Petra Church, ACOR, Amman, 2001, in M. Piccirillo (ed), Ricerca Storico Archeologica in Giordania XXII, Liber Annuus LII, 2002, pp.498-503.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Anne Michel, Les églises d’époque byzantine et omayyade de la Jordanie Ve – VIIIe siècle. Typologie architecturale et aménagements liturgiques (avec catalogue des monuments), Turnhout, 2001, in Liber Annuus, XXI, 2001, pp. 375-378.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Al-Housan Abdel Qader, Mafraq through the Ages. Field Studies and Archaeological Surveys in Mafraq Governorate, Al-Arz, Amman, 1999 (in Arabic), in Liber Annuus, XXI, 2001, pp. 378 - 380.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): I. Peña, P. Castellana, R. Fernàndez, Inventaire du Jebel Wastani. Recherches archéologiques dans la région des villes mortes de la Syrie du Nord, Milano, 1999, in Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, in RAC, 76, 2000, pp. 724-727;


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): AA.VV., Couleurs de Tunisie, 25 siècles de céramique, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, 1995, 319 pp., in Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, 1995, pp. 424-426.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): Fouilles de Khirbet Qumrân et de Aïn Feshkha, I, Album de photographies, Répertoire du fonds photographique, Synthèse des notes de chantier du Père Roland de Vaux OP, présentés par Jean-Baptiste Humbert OP et Alain Chambon, in Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus, Series Archaeologica 1, Fribourg 1994. in Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, 1995, pp. 426-427.
  • B. Hamarneh (Review): AA.VV., Begegnung von Heidentum und Christentum im Spätantiken Ägypten, Riggisberg, 1993. in Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana.


  • B. Hamarneh (Review): C.Jolivet-Lévy, Les églises Byzantines de Cappadoce, Le programme iconographique de l'abside et de ses abords, Paris, 1991. Vd. Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, 1992, pp.365-366.



  • Fr. Piccirillo left some incomplete papers at his death on October 26, 2008. B. Hamarneh was asked to edit the texts, and to provide footnotes and illustrations of:
  • M. Piccirillo, Il mosaico della chiesa dei Santi Martiri nel villaggio di Tayyibat al-Imam (Siria) 442 d.C., in MC. Lentini (a cura di), I mosaici mediterranei, Piazza Armerina – Catania 2009, pp. 13-31.
  • M. Piccirillo, Archaeological Parks to safeguard the Artistic and Historical heritage of Madaba in Jordan, in Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East – ICAANE, Wiesbaden 2010

Translated Publications

  • The Black Stone of Nassiriya. ROMA: Bardi, p. 1-210, ISBN: 978-88-218-0981-1
  • Hajar an-Nassiriyya al-Aswad. ROMA: Bardi, p. 1-210, ISBN: 978-88-218-0981-1
  • 2010 – From English to Italian: W. Al-Hashemi, What is Islamic Art, Amman.      
  • 2007 – From Italian to Arabic: B. Bagatti, L’industria della madreperla a Betlemme; B. Bagatti, Fra Bernardino Amico, disegnatore dei santuari palestinesi alla fine del 500, in M. Piccirillo, La nuova Gerusalemme. Artigianato Palestinese al servizio dei luoghi santi, Jerusalem. Pp. 4-30.
  • 1994 – From Italian to Arabic: in M. Piccirillo, E. Alliata, Umm Al-Rasas Mayfa’ah I, gli scavi del complesso di Santo Stefano, Jerusalem. Pp. 345-353.

Prof. Dr. B. Hamarneh, PhD (April 2020)