Marina Palmieri, BA MA


Entry in personnel directory: u:find

Research interests

Provincial Roman Archaeology, Roman Archaeology, Terra Sigillata, Trade and Economy of Ceramics, villae rusticae in Southern Italy, Wine Production

Curriculum vitae

 As of March 2022
Doctoral canditate at the Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna, Research Cluster: Archaeology and Material Culture
Working title: "Pre-consumption deposits: An examination regarding the production of Terra Sigillata and its trading network in the 2nd c. AD", supervisors: Univ.-Prof. Günther Schörner, Univ.-Ass. Dr. Julia Kopf

As of October 2021
Research assistant (prae doc) of the FWF project "Meaningful sherds: sigillata from pre-consumption deposits" (Head of project: Univ.-Ass. Dr Julia Kopf)

Master in Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna
Master thesis: „Die villae rusticae im Ager Stabianus – Untersuchungen zur Produktion von Öl und Wein und zur Sklavenarbeit im landwirtschaftlichen Kontext“ (Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Günther Schörner)

Digitalizing and archive work with photo material and documents of older excavations in Velia (Marina di Ascea-SA, Italy) under the direction of Prof. Verena Gassner at the University of Vienna

Participation in the „Curso antropología física de campo: La nécropolis de la villa romana de Los Villaricos” of the Universidad de Murcia
Tutor at the excursion "Pompeji und Golf von Neapel" under the direction of Prof. Günther Schörner and Univ.-Ass. Julia Kopf of the University of Vienna
Performance Scholarship of the University of Vienna

Erasmus+ Traineeship at the Museo nazionale di San Martino, Naples

Bachelor in Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna

Archaeobotanical laboratory internship at Durham University, UK

One-year Erasmus stay at Durham University, UK

Participation in the survey of the FWF project „Val di Pesa und Val Orme im Wandel. Ein integrierter Ansatz zur Erforschung” under the direction of Univ.-Prof. Günther Schörner
Performance Scholarship of the University of Vienna

Participation in surveys, excavations and projects in Campobello di Licata/Sicily, Ischia di Castro/Latium, Molino San Vincenzo/Tuscany, Velia/Campania, Los Villaricos/Murcia, Tel Lachish/Israel, Ephesos/Turkey