We define our subject as the study of the material legacy of the Mediterranean region and adjacent areas in antiquity, with a particular focus on Greek, Roman and Late Antique periods, a breadth that is unique amongst the German speaking universities. Key methodologies include interdisciplinary working with iconography, architecture, ceramics, artefacts, palaeo-environmental evidence, documentary sources, and traces of ancient landscapes. Key themes include investigation of religious, social and economic structures; cultural interactions and identities; daily life in antiquity; and the continuing legacies of the ancient world on our modern one. Our discipline encourages us to explore how cultural elements were shared, transmitted, and transformed across both space (our geographical vision ranges from Mesopotamia to Iberia, and from the Sahara to the Baltic Sea) and time (our chronological spans from the Minoan Age c.2000 BCE to 800 CE), as well as being creatively reimagined today.


Symposium "Österreichische Grabungen in Italien"

Mittwoch, den 15. Oktober 2014, 17:30 Uhr

Veranstaltungsort: Italienisches Kulturinstitut / Istituto Italiano di Cultura Palais Sternberg

Mschatta im Fokus. Das jordanische Wüstenschloss in historischen Fotografien

Ausstellung im Museum für Islamische Kunst in Berlin

Kuratorinnen: Katharina Meinecke, Eva-Maria Troelenberg

METAPHYSIS. Ritual, Myth and Symbolism in the Aegean Bronze Age

15e Rencontre égéenne internationale, 22.–25. April 2014 am Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Universität Wien und am Institut für orientalische...