Early Christianity in Hungary

Project sponsor:
University of Pécs, Department of Archaeology            
University of Vienna, Institute of Classical Archaeology, Department of Early Christian Archaeology

Project management:
MMag. Doz. Dr. Levente Nagy
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Renate Johanna Pillinger, full member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Mag. Dr. Davide Bianchi (Wien)
Mag. Dr. Ferenc Fazekas (Pécs)

Derzeitige Mitarbeiter:
Mag. Dr. Claudia-Maria Behling (Vienna)
Mag. Dr. Davide Bianchi, PhD (Vienna)
MMag. Dr. Olivér Gábor (Pécs)
Mag. Stefanie Hofbauer (Vienna)
MMag. Dr. Krisztina Hudák (Pécs)
Mag. Zsolt Mráv (Budapest)
Dr. István Vida (Budapest)

Funding: Foundation Action Austria-Hungary
After autopsy and cataloging, including description of the monuments first in Eastern and then in Western Transdanubia, a comprehensive cultural-historical evaluation of the early Christian monuments of the former provinces of Valeria and Pannonia Prima is planned. To this end, the individual monuments must be placed in a smaller (local) and larger context (through comparative examples in the other provinces). Furthermore, this bilateral project is not only intended to promote academic contacts between Vienna and Pécs, but above all to support young researchers. The ultimate goal is the publication of a contemporary monograph on early Christianity in Hungary, complete with color photographs.

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  • L. Nagy, die Lage der Erforschung des frühen Christentums in Ungarn im Spiegel eines neuen Projekts. In: R. Pillinger (Hg.), Neue Forschungen zum frühen Christentum  in  den Balkanländern. Beiträge eines am 15. Oktober 2012 an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften gehaltenen Symposiums (AF 26 = Dph 484). Wien 2015, 19–36 und Taf. 1–10.
  • R. Pillinger, Der Heilige Quirinus von Siscia und der Heilige Martin in Savaria/Stein am Anger/Szombathely, Mitteilungen zur Christlichen Archäologie 28 (2022) 91–116.

Renate Pillinger