Stefan Hagel (ÖAW)
am Donnerstag, dem 14. Oktober 2021, um 17 Uhr s. t. (CEST)
im Elise Richter Saal, Unihauptgebäude, Universitätsring 1, 1010 Wien
Musics at war: towards a Classical (?) prehistory of the lute
Starting from the early Middle Ages and the Near East, the `short-necked´ lute replaced the lyre as the dominant instrument of elite culture and, in the case of the Arabic writings, also music theory. We will follow its traces across a vast region reaching from the Pacific to the Atlantic, focusing on the rival music traditions it could express and how these related to the archaeology and the tenets of Greco-Roman music culture.
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Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Danuta Shanzer