Univ.-Doz. Dr. phil. Ulrike Muss

Date of birth:   1953 Essen, Germany
Address:    University of Vienna
Institute for Classical Archaeology Franz Klein-Gasse 1
1190 Wien
Tel. +43 – 1 4277 – 40601
cell: +43 (0) 699 11 33 0584
email: ulrike.muss@univie.ac.at


German (mother tongue);
English, French, Modern Greek, Turkish (fluent); Italian and Spanish (basic) Greek and Latin

Special research interests:

Archaeology of Greek religion Architecture
Modern history of the Mediterranean


Academic education:

PhD Student at the ‘Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität’ in Münster and the ‘Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn/Germany

PhD in Classical Archaeology, Art History and Ancient History, University of Bonn/Germany

Habilitation in Classical Archaeology, University of Vienna/Austria (Univ. Doz.)

Scholarships - awards

1978 -1979
Scholarship awarded by the ‘Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst’ (DAAD) for studies in Greece.

1983 -1984
Holder of a travel-scholarship granted by the German Archaeological Institute.

Academic career and employments:

Member of the German excavation team at Didyma

Member of the German excavation team at Samos

1982 - 2008
Member of the Austrian excavation team in Ephesus: Excavation and research in the Artemision.

1990 - 1997
Co-Director of the Austrian excavations in Aigeira/Greece Excavations, archaeological and ethnoarchaeological Surveys.

Surveys in Selcuk and the hinterland of Ephesus on request of the General Directorate in Ankara in collaboration with the Ephesus Museum at Selçuk (results partly published).

1996 - 2009
Employee in the Federal Service at the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Vienna

1996 - 2008
Director of the Artemision Project - Austrian Archaeological Institute

1998/ 2007
Deputy Director of the Ephesus excavations

2004 - 2006
Member of the Knidos excavation team.

Curator of the Exhibition: ‘The Artemision of Ephesos.
Sacred Location of a Goddess’. Istanbul Archaeological Museum.

Scientific Director of 'Crisler Library at Ephesos' (CLE)

Since 2010
Member of the Kolophon Survey team


Lecturer at the Institute for Classical Archaeology at the University of Hamburg (Institute for Classical Archaeology)

Since 1989
Lecturer at the Institute for Classical Archaeology at Vienna University

Sorbonne/Paris and Ege University/Izmir
Since 2009
Organization of summer-schools for international students at Crisler Library in Ephesus/Selcuk and continuously teaching activities at CLE for International Universities

Facilitator and key note speaker at the Aegean Workshop 'Olives 2011' (Egede Atölye Zeytin – Director: Zeynep Delen, Bogazici University Istanbul) – a pilot program for non formal Education in Turkey.

Supervised students:

Since 2003
students at PhD and bachelor levels

Memberships and service activities:

Since 1991
Corresponding member of the Austrian Archaeological Institute

Since 2007
Member of the Austrian Committee for the Protection of Monuments (Denkmalschutzbeirat beim Denkmalamt, Ministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur)

Since 2008
Board member of the ‘Selçuk Artemis Sanat, Kültür ve Eğitim Vakfı (Selçuk Artemis Art, Culture and Education Foundation)

Since 2009
'Scholars Advisory Board' of Crisler Library in Selçuk/ Ephesos

Since 2009
Advisory member of the Küçükcekmece – Bathonea excavation, Istanbul (Kocaeli University- Izmit)

Expertises given for:
University of Vienna
University of Trnava in Slowakia
Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest
ARIT -American Institute in Turkey – Istanbul and Ankara


1996 – 2008
applying for, organizing and directing projects and interdisclipinary studies in Vienna, for the publication of material excavated in the Artemision at Ephesus. These projects have been funded by the FWF, the National Bank of Austria and the ‘Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung’ of the city of Vienna.

Since 2010