Social implications of Aegean pottery consumption in the eastern Mediterranean during the Iron Age

V O R T R A G - hybrid

Stefanos Gimatzidis (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut der ÖAW)   

Di, 01.03.2022, 18 Uhr s. t.

V O R T R A G – hybrid
Stefanos Gimatzidis (Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut der ÖAW)   
Di, 01.03.2022, 18 Uhr s. t.

Perceptions of Protogeometric and Geometric ceramic consumption in the eastern Mediterranean have always been subject to the archaeological Zeitgeist. This pottery has thus been alternatively perceived as evidence of colonisation, mobility, trade or exchange among peers. The reconstruction of its social context depended so far on early Greek literature, primarily Homeric texts, ethnographic and scarce archaeological evidence. New finds from modern excavations at sites such as Kinet Höyük and Sidon along the Levantine coast allow now a new understanding of the social and economic circumstances of Greek pottery circulation and consumption. This is achieved through a holistic perspective that considers also their modes of production in the Aegean.

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Fragment of a bird skyphos from Sidon, Lebanon (photo: Stefanos Gimatzidis)